blurbs out of my own thoughts

WELL, when I am just in deep thoughts, I use to blurb something! I don’t know, it might be my own wisdom or stupid thoughts! lolzz I love to read a lot of philosophical articles and sayings. it has deep meaning once we understand it.  I still enjoy reading many books written by great authors and people of high achievers. many of the sayings here already been said by the great minds.  It is my way of interpretation to deliver messages.  I am still learning from great gurus and high achievers. I hope you can enjoy reading quotes. Thanks!

Those who speak most of illness and negative things have illness and inferiority complex. those who speak most of prosperity and positive things have happiness and success. Choose your thoughts carefully. Make it more meaningful. Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy. You are a masterpiece of your life!

Thoughts that bring about good feeling means you are on the right track. Whatever you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming you. What you think, what you feel and what actually manifests is ALWAYS a match – no exception! You create your own social world as you go along with your friends, families and anybody here around!

when we are outspoken straight from the heart, go along with a set of newly experienced multi-cultural people, take it easy, open-minded talk and friendship, and most importantly to think different than usual mindset, YEAH – most people likes and few hate it. forget about the haters! the world is BIG and just follow your heart!

so many people we come across in our journey since we started schooling. some may disconnected somewhere and few leave a strong footprint our path. you call it friendship, love, flirt or whatever ya dude! just remember, it doesn’t matter how many friends we come across and still on, it matters how many we still love them for now and forever!

sometimes being YOURSELF is the hardest thing you do. oh yeah, going along with the crowd may be easy. but being an individual is absolutely challenging. individuality comes out if we dare to do things differently. don’t make your choices by following crowd. but choose based on your feelings, passion, goals and values, on maximum capabilities!

become another Abraham Lincoln, Bill Gates, Mahatma Gandhi or like Epic Rama?? NO NEED!! the best we can do is, inspire, listen, learn and love these legendary people. if we can’t do great things in a simple way, do simple things in a great way! it adds value to our life and of course, a little contribution to our society!

Be the first to say Hi to anybody! silence is good at few times but not most of the times! let us appreciate, help, laugh, fight, smile and love each other. (doesn’t matter it is online or offline lolzzzz!) some friends are like precious gems and we may miss them while we are too busy in collecting stones! A simple 2 letter word “Hi” does it ALL!

what we learned in text books are just a basics. yeah just basics only! practical life teaches us the opposite. most of the people, bound to take different paths because of circumstances and other factors. wait! may be thousand reasons. but if you dare to follow your passion continuously irrespective of any situation, then everything will follow you, slowly!

are we really learning new things everyday other than SSDD? (same shit, different day! lolzz). because everyday is a new day, new beginning, new opportunities, new thoughts, new challenges, new hopes….let’s try to do DSSD(different shit, same day!) lolzz whatever we do everyday, nurture our mind as much as we can!

Risks are part of our life. we are not caring to handle great tasks in life because of the fear of failure or thinking ourself like we are not capable of doing such things. these limitations are living only in our mind. let us extend our boundaries. we’ll find a new world within us. many of unexplored talents are sleeping there. let them wake up!

people often blame other cultures and keeping their own as high standard. nothing wrong in that but they draw their own boundary lines because of their own culture. if something new in other cultures, ethics, values, beliefs, enjoyment and opportunities then don’t hesitate to experience it. know the world!

everybody has talent and skills. definitely we can be a master of such talent either in work place, society or in business. let us scratch the surface of our true potential. that’s how great artists, musicians, authors, scientists and entrepreneurs develop themselves. when talent meets opportunity, it shines like a star!

Thought creates our mood. mood makes up our decision. decision leads to action. action brings results. ultimately, results are the outcome of our thoughts like how best it was formulated and how well it was executed. thoughts are our brain’s power house. electrify them!

Don’t count the number of friends in your life. just count the number of wonderful hearts that understands you, loves you, smiles with you and keep you awake even if you sleep! yeah, good friendship is a platform to empower our capabilities and give a feeling of a lovable soul-mate!

F – Field of Love; R – Root of Joy; I – Island of Care; E – End of Sorrow; N – Name of Hope; D – Door of Understanding; S – Strength of Confidence. Love ya friends! lets be the best forever! HAVE A WONDERFUL FRIENDSHIP DAY!

Apple a day keeps the doctor away, doctors said for healthy life. thought a day keeps the weakness away, for better life! when we fight against the life and show ego, life always wins. but when we fight for the life and just smile, we can win! lolzz I got this thought and yeah let me share!

Realize that our life is like a university and we are here to learn different departments during the course of time. practicals and problems are part of our curriculum either we have to pass or fail. let us try our maximum to gain good grades. let the challenges and fun will continue forever to stay ahead!

I am not intelligent and i don’t know many things in this world. i am still doing some stupid things in my life. i have less skills when i compare to many people. yeah! i want to repeat like this everyday not to discourage but as my driving force and improve myself. so i can be better of on my own abilities!

fear grows in darkness. if we feel like to turn on the light soon, courage comes there in. courage doesn’t always roar. sometimes its a quite voice and at the end of the day saying, i will try again tomorrow. there is always a sharp ray of light somewhere in the dark cloud. just find it!

Don’t expect that everyone around us show all love n care. Even if we are cool n show individuality, few people dislike us because of their own individuality but not a faultiness on us. Lets be nice to all but love those who care us n don’t care those who don’t love us. That’s the fact ya!

I believe that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are and what behaviors we have and how we communicate to the outside world. but we are responsible for what we achieved and who we want to become. therefore, good learning and experience counts important in our life!

Even if we have no idea of what will happen and how things will go, just keep the confident and hope all the time high. any rational thinking may give up but its really hard to maintain and be patient. look for it, go behind it, keep trying and open up your eyes all around. at last you will say, I GOT IT!

Thousands of people have disabilities by birth, physically handicapped, mentally retarded and no good education. many of us we just forget about it and worrying about our silly things and making our life more in pains than gains. feel like the luckiest person and say thanks for all that we got while others missed it!

most often people step ahead after doing a complete check list. its good and anyway when we try something new, don’t wait to do check list. few may miss or imperfect. no body is perfect. we do somethings on the way n face it boldly. perfection n excellence comes as a habit yeah!

This world is like a playground. we have to expect different match schedules all year around. some games are fantastic and few defeated badly. there are rules n code of conducts to follow. when we play, others are watching us. do good to stay in the game. otherwise we will be knocked-out!

Live your moments happily. enjoy everyday as much as you can. let your dreams may come true tomorrow. wait for it and the pleasure will wait for you which is still a probability and uncertainty in life. if we worry about tomorrow and crying for it, we never gonna be happy! Just live your moments!

The luxury of life may be measured by how much wealth we have. but the richness of life will be measured by how much we smile everyday, how happy we are, how we enjoy our life, what help we do and how much love we show each other. living our life richer is purely evolves from our state of mind!

Each and everybody’s life is unique. we no need to look at others road. we don’t know where others want to travel or travelling. everybody use some kind of vehicle to travel by. some may super fast, some just fast enough and few may parking. don’t care others path. just drive your way to go ahead!

Building a business is not about making money. ultimately we need it and reality is different. any start-up is like rising a baby and do continuous support until baby becomes adult and further! Apple’s Steve Job says PASSION & GREAT TEAM OF PEOPLE drives your business and the rest will follow itself!

People often say that i am waiting for the right time & right opportunities to get started. well, fundamentally its meaningful. but practically not! there is no wrong time to do the right things. we don’t wait for the ball to come to our foot. we continuously chase the ball to make a goal. we chase rather than waiting!

Be yourself. there is something that you can do better than any other. listen to your inward voice and heart to speak up and obey to that. you may get more friends or enemies of being yourself. well, thats unavoidable. speak up from your heart. it shows the YOU in that YOU ARE!

The easiest way to understand different culture is, Listen various musics, learn, read about their history and traditions. share friendship to all people. it helps a lot to know about this small world!

In the rhythm of life, we change our tunes according to our situations. lets keep everything in harmony and let the melodious music continuous whether its sad or happy moments. sometimes we are out of tune which is also a part of our musical silence. however the rhythm is always ON. Just keep going on and on!

There is a big difference between needs and wants. needs drive you crazy but wants drive you lazy! if you want( better replace “need”) to achieve anything, then you go lazy(because you use “want”). so rephrase the sentence! you have to be crazy to achieve it as your needs. get mad then go over it!

Inventions and innovations of all wonderful things in this world wont be there if they believe in luck. Luck is what you love when you get without your effort. success is what you get when you love with effort. if no opportunity, create it. prepare to face it. you can develop your own luck but no one else!

little truth behind every joke. little curiosity behind every wonder. little knowledge behind every i don’t know. little emotion behind every i don’t care. little love behind every break-up. little jealousy behind every surprise. little attraction behind every beauty. little timeline behind every life! forgive, forget & ENJOY!

The glory of happiness or sad is always surrounded by us. its all about to make up our mind to pursue them to the right. if our mood swings, then we miss the best part. situations and circumstances may not be the way we expect. but to create a good situation or circumstance is definitely depends on the way we want!

Don’t think about the people from the past. because there is a reason that they are not on your way. Don’t think about the people in the present. because they are not travelling on your direction. Don’t think about the people you will meet tomorrow. because they are not here right now. just think about YOURSELF!

most of the ‘YES’ attitude strengthen our life and helps us to go forward. it keeps our friends, families, colleagues and everybody closer to us even if they are far. most of the ‘NO’ attitude down our life and it blocks anything to let in or go ahead. say yes to YES and no to NO!

when we fear to say about what we feel, when we forget to focus about what we aim, when we lazy to start about what we do, when we fail to talk about what we think, when we fear to handle about what we face, we definitely loose two vital elements. that’s our natural instinct and gut feelings!

when we get little, we want more. when we get little extra, we feel why not even more. when we get so much, we feel so high to enjoy with. but when we lost it, we realize that even LITTLE thing was good enough to smile. satisfaction in every little things creates to live our life in the present moments!

Let us program our mind with three PPP’s. Passion. Positive thoughts. Perseverance. whatever we set in our mind, it comes as output. good program executes in our mind to get desire outputs. bad program on mind generates lot of errors. we are the programmer of our own mind. otherwise MALFUNCTION!

its always dark before the dawn. sunset before sunrise. hot before cold. thunder before rain. steep before slope. then why not silent before talk? angry before smile? sorrow before joy? hard work before success? yes it is. both embrace each other by nature in the earth. lets adapt our human nature and move on!

Loving friends are like incoming calls. they always pinch us around to talk. Good friends are like outgoing calls. we always around them to talk. Nice friends are like missed calls. they call us back if we missed to talk. Just friends are like voice mails. we may get answer or no answer! lolzzz

what is more important than anything is mindset. thoughts are like seeds. what we sow on our mind, we ripe the results according to it. we grow the seeds of what we want to be and act to be. no one is responsible to it. good mindset always play the best music for the song we select!

There will always be haters. there will always be plenty of naysayers. and laugh at you, criticize you. your strengths are not measured by others but only you. Don’t pay attention to them and don’t take what they say to heart. Let the haters hate and you keep believing in yourself. if you believe it, you can do it!